Why Perma-Column® precast concrete deck posts make superior deck foundations

Why Precast?

Perma-Column Deck Post Install

Increase deck-building efficiency and increase deck sales

The hassles of mixing and pouring concrete, then waiting for it to cure are holding your business back. Precast concrete deck posts are the fastest and easiest-to-install foundation system available. A simple, repeatable installation process delivers consistent results, optimizes your building efficiency, and requires no complex training or additional equipment.

Innovative Product Showcase and Awards Program
Precast concrete deck post engineered

Made of 10,000 psi precast concrete reinforced with 60,000 psi rebar and a ⅛" steel bracket, precast deck posts are three times stronger than standard concrete.

Centered precast

ICC-ES certification streamlines project permitting and approvals. Precast deck posts accelerate construction by eliminating mixing and pouring of concrete.

Deck post with footing pad

Guaranteed to last a lifetime, precast deck posts provide your customers with a permanent foundation while maximizing your crew's deck-building efficiency.